The origin of poker can be traced back to as early as 1526 in Spain, Italy and France, where players used three cards to play. These cards had combinations such as 'three of a kind', 'flush' and 'pair'. Until the 1700s, games such as 'brag' in England and 'pochen' in Germany also began to gain fame. The modern form of poker is related to the French version of 'poque', played in Louisiana around 1803.
The English-speaking settlers in the territory liked the game and renamed it 'poker', with modern features. Joe Cowell, an English actor, was the first to mention poker in American literature in 1829. From his description, poker appeared to be a game that involved four players with a deck of 20 cards, playing the strongest hand holding five cards. The use of a 52-card deck in poker began in 1871 as it spread to other countries.